Thursday 2 July 2009

Gemstones, Star Signs & Birth Months

Jewellery is often bought to mark a special occasion such as a birthday or wedding anniversary and I'm often asked what is the stone for a particular star sign or month when someone was born. I thought I'd add some jewellery gemstone information to Nicholson's Jeweller's blog, that jewellery buyers might find helpful.

Of course, the star signs span more than one calendar month (for example, Aquarians are born in either January or February) and so there is a bit of overlap. That can be a good thing though, if you don't like the stone for your birth month you get a second chance with the gemstone for your star sign.

Star Sign Month Gemstone

Capricorn .......... January ............. Garnet
Aquarius ............ February.......... Amethyst
Pisces ................ March ............... Aquamarine
Aries .................... April .................. Diamond
Taurus .............. May ................... Emerald
Gemini ............... June ................... Pearl
Cancer ............... July ..................... Ruby
Leo ..................... August ................ Peridot
Virgo .................. September ......... Sapphire
Libra .................. October .............. Opal
Scorpio ............... November .......... Yellow Topaz
Sagittarius .......... December .......... Tanzanite

Some stones are used to commemmorate special occasions. For example, Pearl for a 30th anniversary, Ruby for a 40th and, of course Diamond for a 60th. And not just for wedding anniversaries, these gemstones can be given for milestone birthdays; a blue sapphire ring could be given to mark the birth of a son or a pink sapphire pendant for a daughter. Or a pair of diamond earrings for twins? Don't just think of buying jewellery to celebrate the birth of your children either; you might have grandchildren whose births you would like to mark with a special jewel. One lovely idea is a bangle with a stone set for each of your children and grandchildren.

Think also of ways in which you can combine important family events, perhaps if you celebrate your 60th birthday (diamond) the same year one of your children has their 30th (pearl) you could use the occasion to have a diamond and pearl pendant.

And, of course, that other lovely event - a family wedding. As "Mother-of-the-Bride" all eyes will be on your wedding outfit and wedding hat. Well, don't forget to treat yourself to some wedding jewellery to set it all off. Unlike clothes, jewellery bought for a special occasion gives many years of pleasure, recalling all your happy memories whenever you wear it. "Mother-of-the-Groom" shouldn't be left out either. A fabulous diamond ring, necklace or earrings should grab you some of the limelight too!

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